Along with a slew of other bloggers, we were invited to try out the Library Bar downtown on Sixth St. Tuesday night. Well, duh, it's right near the Library. It's a cute place with low ceilings, book-lined walls and plenty of couches and nooks to hang out in. The star was beer sommelier Christina Perozzi, who compiled a tasting list presented on library card tags where you could write your impressions. Standouts were the Blanche de Chambly-- I always like Unibroue's beers, and the Inversion IPA from Deschutes Brewery in Bend, Oregon. Unfortunately my stamina gave out before I got to Unibroue's cherry beer.
We found out that some bloggers are on the move, as Deep End Dining's Eddie Lin is moving to Austin to work on his book and take in some barbecue. And Erin from Erin's Kitchen is moving to New York to go to grad school in international studies, surely a field with a better future than foodblogging. We met not one but two local beerbloggers, several Downtown bloggers, some guys from something called UrbanDaddy that's not actually for dads and a whole lot more. And we had some excellent beer -- some of the new Downtown places are making a better effort with their beer lists, which Eating LA heartily applauds, since lately we've kind of become Eating and Beerdrinking LA.
Speaking of which, nice story in the L.A. Times on Santa Barbara brewpubs -- first San Diego, now Santa Barbara -- will L.A. country perennially be left behind in the brew department?
It's No Fair!!!
I was invited but aren't "legal" yet!!!
Eating LA...Dylan and I got the invites...but it was so vague. We thought it was a evil way to kill off LA foodbloggers. haha. We totally missed out!
It was fun... good stuff and nice to meet you...
Funny, I thought it was so vague too -- not addressed to anyone in particular, etc. I had something else to go to that night or I may have tried to attend, but that strange email kinda confused me...
Thanks for coming to my beer party! It was nice to be able to meet so many of my fellow bloggers...yea beer! Hopefully we will meet again soon!
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