I'll be charitable and allow that perhaps the New York Times didn't have much space to allot to Highland Park in its Sunday travel article Highland Park: A New Cultural District in Los Angeles. But I wouldn't have written an article on Highland Park or York Blvd. without mentioning the wonderful taco tables that appear at dusk; the monthly art gallery walk and bike ride or Clare Graham's beautiful assemblage sculptures at MorYork, to name just a few.
Maybe they should have just run the hilarious Craigslist ad from back in September (actually I think I sent that one in to Curbed, now that I recall) where a guy tries to explain the new Highland Park. What did you think of the short piece?
The article seemed super whitewashed to me. Highland Park has more to offer than those two blocks on York.
What block is the tortilla lady on, and can you just buy tortillas?
Typical dumb NYT take on Los Angeles. A "new" culture district in Los Angeles? Judson Studios has been in HP since the 19th century. Ain't nothin' new about it.
The writer left out Grasshopper Gallery and other HP high points; I believe the SW Museum and Lummis Adobe also pre-date the York by about 100 years.
Yup, they missed tons. Their loss.
(And hey, Galco's? How can they miss GALCO'S?!)
Anyhoo - is this the place with the tortilla lady? Pelon Taco Stand?
In total agreement with Chez Shoes, and furthermore, there was no "culture" in Highland Park before the "young trendsetters in skinny jeans" moved in? Just embarrassing.
Yes, Pelon Taco stand is the one with the handmade tortillas and the great al pastor with pineapple on the spit.
So let me get this straight: a few months ago the NYT says Eagle Rock is all over, and now decrees that Highland Park is the LA neighborhood du jour? Who the heck are these people, and where are they getting their information? I'd really love to see the person who wrote this negotiating the crowds at Food 4 Less or El Superior on a Saturday afternoon - put the fear of God in them. HP is still a barrio, not Noe Valley or Park Slope, and that's the way it should stay. Jesus.
Thanks Sandy -- Yes, to add to your sentiment, this weekend some nighttime bike riders were shot at in a very upsetting incident.
Highland Park is a fascinating, evolving neighborhood, but there is still quite a bit of gang activity in the area. I'm not sure if a travel article should mention that or not.
Wow! I just tried those tacos. Amazing. The best taco I've ever had. I can't believe they cook the tortillas in front of you, right before they put in the meat, the tastiest Al Pastor you can imagine. Those tacos will haunt my dreams.
For a great commentary on this article you can go to : http://laeastside.com/2009/07/highland-park-in-the-ny-times/
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