Monday, June 22, 2009

Mexico Restaurant: What the people want

The L.A. Times' Jessica Gelt visits Larry Nicola's new Mexico Restaurant y Barra in West Hollywood and finds people are already flocking there for birthday parties and general frolicking. Have L.A. restaurateurs finally figured out that we want good margaritas accompanied by equally good food? Apparently so, as the latest wave of Mexican restaurants (Loteria Hollywood, Yxta) are finally starting to get the balance right. The jury is still out, however, on the more culinarily ambitious Rivera, Casa, etc., since diners are even more price-sensitive and formality-averse than before. Also: Rosa Mexicano at L.A. Live! Malo Downtown! Will it ever end?

1 comment:

Front of the House said...

I visited Mexico (the restaurant) this weekend. There was a great balance between the fun atmosphere and upscale, quality food. See my comments here: