Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Salted licorice, inspired by kittens: Are ice cream flavors getting out of hand?

Yes, Scoops is amazing, but naturally, the folks in San Francisco are even more up on their pop culture Internet references. From the FamilyStyles blog, here's some flavors from Humphry Slocombe Ice Cream in the Mission district: Salted licorice, inspired by kittens; Secret Breakfast (Jim Beam and corn flakes); Government cheese and Blue Bottle Vietnamese coffee. Must. Go. There.

(viaBuzzfeed Food Buzz)


Anonymous said...

They clearly have a good sense of humor, and Secret Breakfast actually sounds like it's worth trying, but the last time I drank Blue Bottle, it gave me a splitting headache.

LYT said...

I've always wanted a Jack and Coke flavor ice cream, but Secret Breakfast sounds like the next best thing.

Add a dash of bubblegum flavor to the mix and we could call it "Blowin' Chunks"!

Anonymous said...

A friend brought down some of the Secret Breakfast (on dry ice) last weekend and we gobbled the whole thing down. It's insanely good.