I guess it's not enough that there's already a Pinkberry, a Snowberry and and, I don't know, Kiwiberry or something all within a few blocks of each other on Sixth St. in Koreatown. Haus -- or is it Yogurt Queen? -- which also has locations on Melrose and Sunset, is joining the Sixth St. fray. Refreshingly, there is no hint of berries, at least. Their website helpfully adds that the orange topping is good for constipation, while watermelon is good for "swollen bodies." Ok, then!
Oh yes, we just came back this week from our honeymoon in Niagara Falls Canada and guess what, we also experienced Pinkberry style frozen yogurt that tastes even better. It's called Yogen Fruz and this Canadian chain does real, really healthy frozen yogurt that tastes great. If we're luck Yogen Fruz will come to the U.S.A. some day.
We had Yogen Fruz frozen yogurt in Puerto Rico and it is fabulous but so is Pinkberry though.
Pinkberry is good but Yogen Fruz is great! I've had Yogen Fruz all over the world and it always taste the same. I love the fact that I have so many options to chose from. The best part is, I hear they are coming to LA soon...I can't wait.
Please let me know how I can purchase a Yogen Fruz franchise in LA.
I agree with you! I tried Pinkberry in LA recently and I couldn't understand all the hype. I'm from Toronto and love Yogen Fruz! I actully have one a day. I'm convinced I lost weight from it's healthy Probiotics! I hope they come to the States soon!
I really don't get it. I think Pinkberry (Stinkberry) tastes like crap. Since when is frozen sour cream tasty??? I had Angelina's frozen yogurt yesterday and that's some good stuff. Yummy:)
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