Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Greater Silver Lake news: Gobi Mongolian opens, Atwater Summer Nights on Thursday

Gobi Mongolian BBQ House is now open on Sunset Blvd. near Rambutan. This one took about a year and a half -- fast by Silver Lake standards. Here's EatingLA's original announcement and here's a much more recent report from FoodGPS. Has anyone tried it yet?
Come over to Atwater on Thursday night for Atwater Summer Nights, with art exhibits, music, massages, stores and restaurants open late and even doggy adoptions. Live jazz in front of Hugo's's cooler at night.


Food GPS said...

I ate at Gobi Mongolian BBQ on Sunday. The space is pretty stylish, with a lot of dark wood. Fill your bowl with four different thin-shaved meats and fresh vegetables, then choose a sauce and pile on the noodles. Hand your bowl to a cook and they integrate your ingredients in a mega-wok. It's a pretty fun experience, but double up on the suggested sauces to get enough flavor.

Anonymous said...

is it a wok(concave surface) or a mongolian bbq(convex surface)? Why would they not have a real Mongolian BBQ, not that hard to come by.

Food GPS said...


If you want to get technical, it's not a wok, but it's the same basic idea. High heat for a short time on a large surface area