I'm not sure all these trucks manage to find parking, but the new Dosa truck tweeted that it will be at Silver Lake Wine's Monday night tasting tonight. Anyone tried it yet?
Here's more new food trucks from the Daily Dish blog. I'm thinking soon, we're going to get tired of eating standing up.
Dosas sound interesting, but I'm more piqued by frysmith -- seems like a perfect go-to food after one's imbibed (if my post-bar In-n-Out "Animal Fries" orders are any indication).
I am also wondering how long until a parking lot gets smart and decides to lease (or give out) spaces for a mobile food court, and then charging for parking spots for all the attendees.
The dosas are horrible - small, overpriced & COMPLETELY inauthentic :-( The woman who owns it mispronounces the names of Indian foods! And her dosas are $6 for a small one; whereas, you can get a $5 dosa at India Sweets & Spices (in Atwater Village, as well as other locations) that's twice as large and comes with sambar and actually tastes yummy :-) Was quite disappointed but really, dosas should be left to people who know what they're doing.
Gotta agree with Jasleen - the actual Dosa was very oily and tasted of oil. The filling was fine, but somewhat bland - with the chutneys adding some flavor but unfortunately not enough. Was really disappointed because we were so excited to see it! And $6 was ridiculous.
Love Dosas - gotta try that one at India's Sweets (had their curry and samosas before - yum!)
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