Rolling dessert edition: I might have preferred a French fry truck, or even the creme brulee cart, but behold the Sprinkles cupcake truck, soon to be jousting for space with all the other upcoming trucks on the streets of L.A.
Also rolling out right now: The Icycle from Locali is heading to Larchmont Village with Ruby Jewel ice cream sandwiches and other frozen treats.

Praise the lord! Sprinkles on wheels!!
Wow. Just wow.
Totally over cupcakes, but I'm down with Ruby Jewel!
A frite truck would be the greatest thing ever -- with paper cones and sauces and little wooden forks!
For years, I have been telling every entrepreneurial person I find that a frite shop opened within 100 yards of a couple bars would be money in the bank, and yet, STILL I am denied my late night frite fix.
i'm with xie above - cupcakes, soo 2007. i saw the sprinkles-mobile cruising melrose and thought the idea to be kind of lame. interested in seeing what the locali guys come to larchmont village with - God knows that place could use a good shaking up.
i have never seen this before.. but it is really an awesome post.. keep it up man.. great post..
It would actually be a better idea of Sprinkles wasn't gross. Seriously, almost every other cupcake I've ever tasted in my life is better than Sprinkles. They are overpriced supermarket cupcakes.
Thanks for the heads up Matt!
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