An offshoot of Glendale's kebab joint
Cafe Bravo is mercifully opening next to
Hard Times Pizza on Griffith Park Blvd
. The manager at the original on Glenoaks Blvd. says they'll try to open
mid-to-late July. This is good news indeed, as Cafe Bravo is one of Glendale's most popular Middle Eastern spots, and there's plenty of competition around there. Believe it or not, this will mark the first time there's been kebabs and hummus and such available in the immediate area, and I think it's going to be very, very popular.
oooh, just over the bridge from me! I'm crossing my fingers that they will offer delivery! I would be okay with take-out if that parking lot wasn't such a cluster-f**k!!
Huzzah! Great news. Now, if somebody would ever buy that old Filipino Market space on Glendale in Atwater Village and turn it into a mideastern place, then even Tony Shaloub would be happy.
R.E. the take out - maybe they could have a curbside service? Although pulling up there isn't very accessible either. . . maybe pull into the old flower house driveway. (Tokio Flowers) They could pop out and give you the food.
Because you ain't kidding when you say it's a clustershamble of a parking lot. They oughta work something out for afterhours with the nursery school next door.
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