Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What's the worst food movie? Win dinner at Geisha House

Dana Harris' Variety blog The Knife has joined forces with the Dolce Group to give away a $125 gift card at Geisha House to the person who best answers this question: What's your personal best -- or worst -- of food movies? And why? (go to this link to enter).
If I were eligible, I might vote for the Hong Kong film "Dumplings" for both best and worst: the best for the lovingly-depicted scenes of making dumpling wrappers and fillings and carefully assembling them...the worst for what they're filled with!


Anonymous said...

Clearly that would be Delicatessen, a post apocalyptical French flick about a twisted landlord / butcher who serves up various tasty cuts of the whomever happens to be the new tenant in the building. My favorite food scene is the guy who's apartment if filled with snails and frogs which he heartily devours on the regular.

I'll also post this on the above-linked site.

Unknown said...

Taste of a Nation this Saturday 1pm to 5pm at venice and culver interesection, at media park, tell all your readers about it. It's great food and for a good cause too.