Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cool local sites

I heard about Cybele May's Candy Blog on Good Food this morning and checked it out right away. She's a woman after my own heart, who obviously gets as excited about the thought of green tea flavored Pocky as I do. We don't always agree -- I give the Violet Crumble a 9 out of 10, not a 6 -- but her blog is a very worthy endeavor.

Judd and Holly of Judd's Hill Winery told me about Barrie Lynn, the Cheese Impresario. I haven't met her yet, but her site has a nice calendar of L.A. cheese events.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link!

I caught your segment a few weeks ago ... sadly I was completely oblivious to the cupcake craze (I know, what rock was I under?) until then! I'm just not a cake person.

I think you might be right about violet crumble ... I've had another one since then and there's something about the malty-molasses taste of the center that really compels me. It's just the sound of it on my teeth that bugs me, but if I just break it into pieces before opening it, that's not an issue. Of course on my rating system a 5 still isn't bad ... you have to get a 3 or less to be bad.

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