I'm doing an ice cream tasting for Variety's new weekend section...we're going with mostly locally-made ice creams, but I couldn't resist buying some of Laloo's Goat's Milk Ice Cream from Petaluma. Laloo's is made by a former producer who made the wise decision to leave Hollywood, move to Sonoma County and raise goats. Some of Laloo's flavors include Chocolate Cabernet, strawberry and pumpkin. I tried Chiffon, which is basically straight goat's milk flavor, and Black Mission Fig. These ice creams don't really lend themselves to being eaten in a big bowl with chocolate sauce -- they're more like dessert cheeses that can be paired in small quantities with fruits or nuts. The fig was rich and sweet, and the strong fig flavor pretty much overwhelmed any discernible goat taste. This ice cream would pair nicely with a lemon or chocolate sorbet or perhaps some melon. I liked the Chiffon a lot, but the distinctively goaty taste is not for everyone. This one was wonderful drizzled with some pomegranate molasses and toasted walnuts, and would also go well with dried apricots or perhaps grilled pineapple and bananas. Laloo's is available at Whole Foods and Gelson's.
Upside: Goat ice cream is actually relatively healthy, with only 150 calories and six grams of fat per serving. Plus, the assertive taste lends itself to small servings. If you like Indian kulfi and chevre cheese, you'll want to try it.
Downside: At $7 a pint, you probably won't buy this every week. The flavor selection seems somewhat random, and at the moment, there is no explanation of the flavors on the cartons. Even some people who enjoy goat cheese, however, don't seem ready for goat cheese ice cream.
Cute packaging too... Do you actually have pomegranate molasses and toasted walnuts kicking around your kitchen? Impressive! -- SoCal
Thanks for the tip, can't wait to try it.
I hope you'll post your finding from your locally made cow milk ice creams.
I already pay $7.00 for a beer in some places, and the ice cream would last longer.
I favor Dr. Bobs especially Scharffen Berger Chocolate Chocolate Chip.
Got the Mission Fig this weekend and it reminded me of the inside of a Fig Newton - the goat milk tang I expected was very subtle. I'll try the plain next to see how strong the goat comes through.
On second taste, the goat does show in the aftertaste, like the finish on a good wine. Starts figgy, finishes with a nice earthy goat. And I agree, goes particularly well with nuts. Thanks for the recommendation.
tried the plain one at the fancy food fair and haven't seen it since - will scout around this weekend (in s.f.) - the mission fig sounds delicious! thank you for the tip.
Holy Moly! I've gotta try that. I've all but given up on ice cream (except for the odd trip to mashti malones) because I'm apparently lactose intolerant.
But me and goat's milk get along just fine.
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My wife and I are currently working on getting pregnant and she is trying to "get healthy" in preparation. She is very worried about gaining too much weight and is trying to prepare her body for the new addition. it is our first attempt at getting pregnant so we are a little nervous about what to expect. It seems to me though that weight gain is unique to each person. I'm not a doctor, but I imagine that there is not one right answer for everyone.
We got some advice from a mother-friend of ours to try and find foods that satisfy your cravings as well as being healthy. Tough to do - I know. My wife is a big chocolate ice cream lover and she couldn't imagine life without it. Thanks to another lactose-intolerant friend, we found Laloo's Goat's Milk Ice Cream (http://www.goatmilkicecream.com/) and loved it!
Apparently, it has almost half the fat and calorie content than moo milk. My wife loves that she can grab a scoop or two daily to satiate herself and not overeat or gain weight.
I love Laloo's!!
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