Gastroblog's Jackie Danicki and I went to lunch at
Luna Park yesterday. I've been lunching there since they opened, and although the prices seem to have risen a bit, the service was actually slightly faster than some of the other nail-bitingly slow lunches I've had there, so I guess it evens out. Jackie suggested starting with the goat cheese fondue appetizer, which would be a perfect snack with a beer or cocktail in the evening. I liked my cobb salad, which had good ingredients in nice large hunks, not that yucky chopped up kind of cobb salad, but could have used just a touch more dressing. Jackie's Chinese chicken salad was not as successful, but Luna Park gets it right most of the time, especially with their salmon, which I'm still remembering fondly from my last lunch there. Jackie had lots of fascinating things to say about building marketing blogs for companies, local bloggers, living in London, and Arianna Huffington's new
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I like Luna Park just fine, but it's too bad that it's basically L.A.'s ONLY restaurant which could be said to be reasonably priced and lively, with reliably good food and nice cocktails. If you disagree, please let me know of another restaurant which fits these qualifications, because that's what people seem to want, and it's pitifully lacking in this town.
Luna Park
672 S. La Brea
(323) 934-2110
I had an absolutely perfect sesame chicken salad at Yamashiro - it was huge, and cost only $10. I've only been to Yamashiro twice, but liked the atmosphere (and the view!). The service there has always been really good, too. (And by "always" I mean the two times I have been there.)
Enjoyed lunch, despite the unspectacular chicken salad!
What about Nook? It's pretty lively, although not in a "trendy" sort of way, and it's definitely on the affordable side.
>reasonably priced and lively, with reliably good food and nice cocktails
Hey Chowpatty, I'd say Beechwood qualifies.
I haven't been to Nook or Beechwood yet, but as soon as I can make it to the Westside, I'll check them out, along with Amuse.
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