Friday, June 25, 2010

Have you been to Blasphemy yet?

Here's an amusing review of the new restaurant Blasphemy. If it sounds like a spin-off of the Gorbals...well, maybe that's intentional...or not.
It's from local writer Adam Baer. Here's an excerpt:

Served alongside tamarind-pickled rhubarb cigarettes and nanogreens on a thin slab of recycled local asphalt from Melrose Avenue, Blasphemy's Bacon-Schmaltz ($39) comes paired with a Manischewitz-Guinness smoothie served in a shot glass, and any one of the day’s special desserts, which can range from sweet cotton candy knishes ($12) to Nutella-glazed smoked salmon sausages on car-bomb-shaken Dublin crème ($16).

Adam Baer's Bacon Schmaltz: a review of Blasphemy, from Grin & Tonic

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